Management Foresight founder Ujjwal Sinha would be speaking at the Business Analytics Innovation Summit in Chicago at the Palmer House Hilton, on May 15th and 16th, 2017. He will also be participating in a panel and hosting the conference (as the “Chairman”) on Day 1 of the conference.
The talk would be entitled: “Connecting the Dots between Analytics and Business Problems: Case Studies from the Retail/Consumer Sectors”
It would be fair to say that Data Analytics and its promise has caught the attention of every leader these days. Many leaders/companies have made significant investments in this area. However, are they enjoying the full ROI yet? Connecting analytics investments with business problems and realizing ROI is both an art and a science. In this discussion, we will touch upon a couple of B2C case studies that demonstrate how marketers can connect the dots between real business problems and analytics: Voice of the Customer, and Customer Loyalty. We will also touch upon the war for talent in the analytics arena.